Tangram Fury

Tangram Fury
Taken from the the game's official web site:
“Tangram Fury” is a competitive and amazingly addictive table-top game based on the ancient Chinese puzzle known as a “tangram.” Players attempt to be the first to recreate images using the seven pieces of a standard tangram puzzle. Fun for everyone! Tangram Fury can be played individually, or in teams, with as few as two players.
Players compete against each other to be the first to build tangram puzzles shown on cards. The first player done, wins the card. The first player to earn five cards, wins the game.
Tangram Fury has two levels of play: “Fan” and “Expert”. The Fan level is easier, because the shapes on the cards have borders that show how each of the seven tangram pieces fit together to form the shape. The Expert level only shows a silhouette of the shape and players must figure out which pieces go where.
The game includes four categories of tangram images: people, animals, fish & birds, and objects & shapes. Each category is represented by colored cards. Rolling a multi-colored die determines the categories.
“Tangram Fury” is a competitive and amazingly addictive table-top game based on the ancient Chinese puzzle known as a “tangram.” Players attempt to be the first to recreate images using the seven pieces of a standard tangram puzzle. Fun for everyone! Tangram Fury can be played individually, or in teams, with as few as two players.
Players compete against each other to be the first to build tangram puzzles shown on cards. The first player done, wins the card. The first player to earn five cards, wins the game.
Tangram Fury has two levels of play: “Fan” and “Expert”. The Fan level is easier, because the shapes on the cards have borders that show how each of the seven tangram pieces fit together to form the shape. The Expert level only shows a silhouette of the shape and players must figure out which pieces go where.
The game includes four categories of tangram images: people, animals, fish & birds, and objects & shapes. Each category is represented by colored cards. Rolling a multi-colored die determines the categories.
Player Count
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Year Released
Podcasts Featuring this Game

TDT # 241 - Nolstagia and Games
In this show, we kick off our annual fund raiser, with our cool new Dice Towers, and Geoff talks about pain and games. The Chief delves into Kickstarter, Andrew talks about a Few Acres of Snow, and Tom and Eric talk about 21 games in 21 minutes. We give the latest news, and talk about nolstagic games that weren't quite as good as we remembered.