
In Yangtze, players are distributors on the Yangtze River, with each trying to make the most money there.
On a turn, a player can take two actions, first selling one or more bundles of goods, then possibly purchasing a commodity. Goods on the Yangtze become cheaper and cheaper the further that they drift towards Shanghai. Whoever can wait a long time gets a chance to buy goods at a bargain price — assuming that another trader doesn't snatch those goods away first!
Players don't need to rely solely on trade, however. They can also establish business branches that give them advantages during play, in addition to the half-dozen special cards that every player holds at the start of play.
On a turn, a player can take two actions, first selling one or more bundles of goods, then possibly purchasing a commodity. Goods on the Yangtze become cheaper and cheaper the further that they drift towards Shanghai. Whoever can wait a long time gets a chance to buy goods at a bargain price — assuming that another trader doesn't snatch those goods away first!
Players don't need to rely solely on trade, however. They can also establish business branches that give them advantages during play, in addition to the half-dozen special cards that every player holds at the start of play.
Player Count
Playing Time
Year Released