Open Season

Open Season
This is a hunting game that consists of driving out to the hunting lodge, spending 5 days (laps around the lodge area) hunting, then driving back home. Aside from rolling dice to determine how far to move the game is played primarily with a big composite spinner, which determines the outcome of things like shooting game, luck at the horse track, and playing poker. Everyone starts with $300 and 5 credentials. Driving is mostly uneventful except for small financial transactions. Luck "in the field" is determined by flipping over situation cards when you land on situation space. Some cards have animals you can try to shoot at, others have bad luck type situations you need to over come by moving or playing a credential card. Each time a player circumnavigates the lodge (spends one day hunting) they receive a credential and have an opportunity to answer a hunting or safety related question for a cash bonus.
Player Count
Playing Time
Year Released