The Twelve Doctors: Doctor Who Card Game

The Twelve Doctors: Doctor Who Card Game
The Twelve Doctors is an unauthorised, non-profit and non-collectable card game set within the immensely popular Doctor Who universe.
Consisting of two balanced 60-card decks, the game pits two players against each other for the fate of the galaxy. One player takes the role of the Doctor in all his regenerations, and his opponent assumes control of his arch enemy, The Master.
At his disposal, the Doctor has a roster of companions from his past to help struggle against the renegade Timelord, featuring Rose Tyler, Romana, Adric, and Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, etc. His equipment includes, amongst others, his Sonic Screwdriver, K-9, jelly babies', and the Hand of Omega.
The Master has a wide selection of villainous temporal marauders to choose from: Zygons, Ood, Daleks, Sontarans, Cybermen, Robots of Death, Omega, The Valeyard, Sutekh, and The Rani, etc. He even has the meddlesome option of starting an Interstellar War - much like he did between the Draconians and the Earth Empire in Space War. His deck also features such interesting devices as the Laser Screwdriver, Tissue Compression Eliminator, and a Raston Warrior Robot.
The game has an asymmetrical design, with both decks featuring different cards and abilities. The Twelve Doctors is played using a 3-column time-line system, representing the battle for Gallifrey, Earth present and future, and Earth past. Gameplay is quick and bloodthirsty with companions EX-TER-MI-NATED! frequently, and marauders being dropped into black holes, or destroyed by the well-placed use of Venusian Aikido.
Numerous tricky decisions must be made throughout. For instance, The Master has 3 planets that he can atomise during the course of each game: Telos, Metebelis III, and Skaro. This is in addition to the damage he may wreak upon Earth or Logopolis, etc, through cardplay. Destroying a planet has long-term consequences for the player, as well as short-term benefits. The Doctor, on the other hand, has the Journal of Impossible Things to use, but if he does so, makes the game easier for The Master to win.
Primarily a combat-driven card game, each player must manage his deck of cards effectively to win. In addition to simple, unique abilities, each card also has three values: power, cost, and disrupt. Both player's decks are also a measure of the time they have remaining to thwart each other.
The Twelve Doctors lineage can be traced back to San Juan, Magic: The Gathering, BattleTech CCG, and Iliad.
Victory Conditions:
Whoever cannot draw a card has lost.
The Master wins if he disrupts more cards than the Doctor has left in his deck.
The Master wins if Gallifrey's power is reduced to zero.
The Master wins if Earth's power is reduced to zero (past and future).
The Master wins if all 11 incarnations of the Doctor are regenerated/destroyed.
The Master wins if 5 tokens are placed upon the Wirrn.
The Doctor wins if all 6 incarnations of the Master are regenerated/destroyed.
The Doctor wins if 5 tokens are placed upon Lucy Saxon.
Whoever gets 5 Key to Time cards in play first wins (expansion victory condition).
Consisting of two balanced 60-card decks, the game pits two players against each other for the fate of the galaxy. One player takes the role of the Doctor in all his regenerations, and his opponent assumes control of his arch enemy, The Master.
At his disposal, the Doctor has a roster of companions from his past to help struggle against the renegade Timelord, featuring Rose Tyler, Romana, Adric, and Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, etc. His equipment includes, amongst others, his Sonic Screwdriver, K-9, jelly babies', and the Hand of Omega.
The Master has a wide selection of villainous temporal marauders to choose from: Zygons, Ood, Daleks, Sontarans, Cybermen, Robots of Death, Omega, The Valeyard, Sutekh, and The Rani, etc. He even has the meddlesome option of starting an Interstellar War - much like he did between the Draconians and the Earth Empire in Space War. His deck also features such interesting devices as the Laser Screwdriver, Tissue Compression Eliminator, and a Raston Warrior Robot.
The game has an asymmetrical design, with both decks featuring different cards and abilities. The Twelve Doctors is played using a 3-column time-line system, representing the battle for Gallifrey, Earth present and future, and Earth past. Gameplay is quick and bloodthirsty with companions EX-TER-MI-NATED! frequently, and marauders being dropped into black holes, or destroyed by the well-placed use of Venusian Aikido.
Numerous tricky decisions must be made throughout. For instance, The Master has 3 planets that he can atomise during the course of each game: Telos, Metebelis III, and Skaro. This is in addition to the damage he may wreak upon Earth or Logopolis, etc, through cardplay. Destroying a planet has long-term consequences for the player, as well as short-term benefits. The Doctor, on the other hand, has the Journal of Impossible Things to use, but if he does so, makes the game easier for The Master to win.
Primarily a combat-driven card game, each player must manage his deck of cards effectively to win. In addition to simple, unique abilities, each card also has three values: power, cost, and disrupt. Both player's decks are also a measure of the time they have remaining to thwart each other.
The Twelve Doctors lineage can be traced back to San Juan, Magic: The Gathering, BattleTech CCG, and Iliad.
Victory Conditions:
Whoever cannot draw a card has lost.
The Master wins if he disrupts more cards than the Doctor has left in his deck.
The Master wins if Gallifrey's power is reduced to zero.
The Master wins if Earth's power is reduced to zero (past and future).
The Master wins if all 11 incarnations of the Doctor are regenerated/destroyed.
The Master wins if 5 tokens are placed upon the Wirrn.
The Doctor wins if all 6 incarnations of the Master are regenerated/destroyed.
The Doctor wins if 5 tokens are placed upon Lucy Saxon.
Whoever gets 5 Key to Time cards in play first wins (expansion victory condition).
Player Count
Playing Time
Year Released
Podcasts Featuring this Game

TDT # 247 - Total Con Live, part 1
In this episode, we take the show on the road! From TotalCon 26, we are joined by the hosts of Not Just Another Gaming Podcast to talk about a pile of games that we played. We also talk about what makes a convention great, and Eric interviews several people, including Larry Whalen.