Dice Tower Now 851: August 22, 2023

This is Dice Tower Now for the week of August 22, 2023. This week, trading card games are forever altered, there is a French Diluvium of Nuts, Loosey Goosey moves from butts to frogs, and DV screams Bonsai.
- Altered TCG from Régis Bonnessée and Equinox
- House of 1000 Corpses Board Game from Rob Zombie and Trick or Treat Studios
- Publisher Nuts! announces Diluvium, designed by Antoni Guillen
- Robo Alarm by publisher Pegasus Spiele
- Grand Austria Hotel announces a roll and write Grand Austria Hotel: Hochsaison
- Lunar Laser Frogs by designer Andreas Preiss and publisher Loosey Goosey Games
- Announcing Tucana Builders, the spiritual sequel to Trails of Tucana, by Eilif Svenson and Kristian Amundsen Østby
- Havalandi coming from Dr. Reiner Knizia
- Spielworxx announces the first title in the 'Italian Trilogy', Dolcissima Vita
- Patterns: A Mandala Game by Trevor Benjamin and Brett J. Gilbert
- DV Games’ Bonsai by designers Rosaria Battiato, Massimo Borzi, and Martino Chiacchiera
- Vampire the Masquerade Milan Uprising
- Marrakesh: Camels and Nomads expansion
- Ascendancy
- Bear Mountain Camping Adventure
- Mistwind
- Crumbs! The Sandwich Filler Game
- Cosmoctopus, Kids Chronicles, and Senjutsu
- Cosmoctopus by Henry Audubon and Lucky Duck Games
- Chronicles of Avel: New Adventures by Przemek Wojtkowiak and Rebel Studios
- After Us by Florian Sirieix and Pandasaurus Games
- Number Drop by Florian Sirieix and Benoit Turpin, published by AEG
- Marvel Champions Next Evolution by Michael Boggs, Nate French, and Caleb Grace, published by Fantasy Flight Games
- Aurum by Shreesh Bhat and Pandasaurus Games
- Castles by the Sea by Jon Benjamin and Michael Xuereb, published by Brotherwise Games
- Scram! by Ted Alspach and Bezier Games
- Freelancers: A Crossroads Game by Donald Shults and Plaid Hat Games
- Fika by Kwibus Gamedesign and Board Game Circus
- Spots by Alex Hague, Jon Perry, and Justin Vickers, published by CMYK
- Next Station Tokyo by Matthew Dunstan and Blue Orange Games
- Mists Over Carcassonne by Klaus-Jürgen Wrede and Z-Man Games
- Shake That City by Mads Fløe and Kåre Torndahl Kjær, published by AEG
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