Dice Tower Now 852: August 29, 2023

This is Dice Tower Now for the week of August 29, 2023. This week, it’s baby viking kitten time, we fall under the influence of towering patricians once again, Wolfgang Warsch makes a new version of the Same Game, and Reiner Knizia phones it in at the office.
- Hasbro Women Innovators of Play Virtual Global Event
- Pax Viking Junior by Ion Game Design
- Tanz der Hornochsen reprinted as Dance of the Ibexes
- Patrician Towers of Influence coming to KS
- Dr. Frankenstein from Michael Schacht
- Pyramidice by Ares Games
- Schmidt Spiele releases “For One” solo game line, including Kniffel by Reiner Knizia
- The Element by Vatcharis Thanomsub, published by DNR Boardgame
- The Same Game from Wolfgang Warsch
- At the Office by Reiner Knizia
- Exoworld Survivor from Starling Games
- 1902 Méliès from Eloi Pujadas and Ferran Renalias
- Cookie Champion by Stefan and Louis Malz
- River of Gold coming from Office Dog
- Destinies Witchwood
- Best of Dice Tower Now - A Board Game Horror Story part 1
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