Dice Tower Now 861: October 31, 2023

This is Dice Tower Now for the week of October 31, 2023. This week, we experience the marvel of magic, Richard Garfield explores his monstrous origins, Iello flips for the circus, and Asmodee gives the generations a good smack.
- Magic the Gathering and Marvel team up
- CMoN announces The Dead Keep
- Skybound’s Garima Sharma elected to GAMA Board of Directors
- Toko Island wins Children’s Game of the Year in Spain
- King of Tokyo: Origins
- Flip Circus coming from IELLO
- #Inconversible: Magnificent Yomi from Underdog Games
- Dutch InterCity by Rio Grande Games
- Renegade to reprint Axis & Allies: Guadalcanal
- Generational trivia game Gensmak from Asmodee
- Machines to the Sky by The Moongrel
- Jakarta Traffic by designer Simon Schmieder
- Scott Morris responds
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