Dice Tower Now 866: December 5, 2023

This is Dice Tower Now for the week of December 5, 2023. This week, it's FAIR to say old games MAY come back, Wise Wizards go from White to Wacky, a peck of picky pixies pick potable poseys, and Cascadia rolls over hill and stream.
- TCGplayer Employees Picket
- Mayfair Games to publish Empire Builder series
- Wise Wizard launches Wacky Wizard brand
- Mind Up!
- Picky Pixie
- Bezier Games - Bullet "F"
- Cascadia Roll & Writes
- Witcher Unmatched
- Stalingrad Roads by Ares
- Natera: A New Beginning
- Windmill Valley
- Trick Takers: Of What's Left and Short Zoot Suit
- How to Save a World
- Lairs by Kids Table
- I bet Lucky Duck doesn't read the podcast notes, either
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