TDT # 357 - Tracking your Game Results

In this show, Mark takes the ten by ten challenge, Geoff examines a gaming lawsuit, Brian takes a look at Betrayal at House on the Hill, and Bill talks about running a convention. We review Hearthstone, Formula E, Marrying Mr. Darcy, Horse Show, Race Formula 90, and Dungeon Dice; and then take a look at the Spiel des Jahres nominees. A Tale of Horror, questions, and our answers to "Do you keep track of your games played and wins/losses?" round up the show.
Games Featured in this Episode
Designer: Bruno Faidutti
Publisher: Clever Mojo Games
Designer: Erika Svanoe
Publisher: (Self-Published)
Designer: Sam Coates
Publisher: Potluck Games
Designer: Ann Stambler
Publisher: Gamewright
Designer: Néstor Romeral Andrés
Publisher: nestorgames
Designer: Bruce Glassco
Publisher: Avalon Hill Games, Inc.
Designer: Alessandro Lala
Publisher: Gotha Games
Designer: Rob Heinsoo
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
Designer: Peter Lee
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
Designer: Peter Lee
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast