TDT # 472 - Role Players

TDT # 472 - Role Players
In this episode, we talk about The Others, Hit Z Road, Energy Empire, The Pursuit of Happiness, The King’s Men, and The Ravens of Thri Sahashri. We hear a board game biopsy, hit the sweet spot, answer a pile of questions, and end the show with our top ten games to get role players into the board gaming hobby.
Games Featured in this Episode
Designer: Eric M. Lang
Publisher: Cool Mini Or Not
Designer: Martin Wallace
Publisher: Asmodee
Designer: Tom Jolly
Publisher: Minion Games
Designer: Adrian Abela
Publisher: Artipia Games
Designer: R. Alex van Vloten
Publisher: Alt Mode Games
Designer: くろにゃこ。 (Kuronyako)
Publisher: Banana Games