TDT # 598 - This and That
TDT # 598 - This and That
In this show, Mandi and Suzanne talk about Dice Tower West with their opinions on that. They also review Ocean Crisis and Catastrophe expansion, Glenmore 2 Chronicles, Tiny Towns, Cytosis and Krass Kariert. They also talk about a few apps, and take a closer look at Raccoon Tyccoon.
Also, our Backer Kit is closing soon!
Games Featured in this Episode
Designer: CHEN,JHAO-RU
Publisher: Shepherd Kit, Inc.
Designer: Matthias Cramer
Publisher: Funtails
Designer: Peter McPherson
Publisher: Alderac Entertainment Group
Designer: John Coveyou
Publisher: Edinorog
Designer: Katja Stremmel
Publisher: AMIGO