TDT # 600 - The Quiet Achievement

TDT #600 - The Quiet Achievement
Hey, it's # 600! In this show, we talk about Thunderstone Quest, Cartographers: A Roll Player Tale, Camel Up, A Pleasant Journey to Neko, Airship City, Rolling Ranch, Pret a Porter, and Factory Fun and Funner. We also talk about top ten lists, and what makes them appealing. Thanks for sticking with us over the years!
Games Featured in this Episode
Designer: Mike Elliott
Publisher: Alderac Entertainment Group
Designer: Jordy Adan
Publisher: Thunderworks Games
Designer: Steffen Bogen
Publisher: eggertspiele
Designer: Citie Lo
Publisher: The Wood Games
Designer: Masaki Suga (須賀 正樹)
Publisher: analog lunchbox (アナログランチボックス)
Designer: Jordy Adan
Publisher: GateOnGames
Designer: Piotr Haraszczak
Publisher: Portal Games
Designer: Corné van Moorsel
Publisher: Cwali