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Board Game Blender - Ready Player One

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Join us as we chat about board games that remind us of video games!

0:00 - Intro
1:37 - Meet, Beat, or Obsolete?
6:01 - Board of Education
9:17 - Bickering Over Board Games
13:26 - Gizmo Knows
16:31 - Guess the Game Covers
17:02 - PlayCool
19:56 - Board Game Diagnosis
24:41 - The Teachers' Lounge
28:57 - Under the Radar
32:32 - R v H - 2 Player Showdown
34:57 - Gameosity
42:19 - Life of a Board Gamer
46:43 - Thinking Inside the Box
50:43 - Retro Boardgame Corner

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Zee Garcia
Rebecca & Hunter