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Board Game Breakfast 118 - Never Give UP!

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Tom Vasel takes a look at the news for the week, joined by a host of friends!

Seethe board game masks here:

0:20 - Intro
2:30 - Board Game News
7:08 - Crowd Funding News - with Suzanne
11:46 - Q & A with Tom and Jason
15:26 - Board Game Makeover (Forbidden Island)
17:16 - Painting Miniatures 101
19:16 - Dice Tower Productions
20:24 - Head in the Clouds with Chaz Marler
23:33 - The Notorious Beards in Gaming
24:32 - The Game Plan
26:23 - The Best and the Worst
28:22 - Tom Thinks (Don't Give Up!)
36:30 - Dice Dice Baby
39:32 - Closing Thoughts

Tom Vasel
Tom Vasel
Suzanne Sheldon Dice Guy
Suzanne Sheldon
Jason Levene Dice Guy
Jason Levine
Rob Oren
Chaz Marler