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Board Game Breakfast: Episode 65 - A hobby within a hobby

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Tom Vasel takes a look at the news for the week, joined by a host of friends!

Show Notes:
0:24 - Intro
0:51 - News
2:56 - Kickstarter News with Boardgame Brawl
6:16 - Q & A with Jason and Tom
8:54 - Snakes and Lattes
11:13 - Dice Dice Baby (and a contest!)
13:07 - Dice Tower Productions
14:21 - Head in the Clouds with Chaz Marler
17:28 - Top 100 Expansions (# 100 - # 96)
21:51 - Discriminating Gamer
23:36 - Suzanne looks at Board Game Apps
26:00 - Tom Thinks (Hobby within a hobby)
31:18 - Whitleypedia
33:20 - Barry
35:08 - Closing Thoughts

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Tom Vasel
Tom Vasel
Jason Levene Dice Guy
Jason Levine
Snakes and Lattes
Chaz Marler
The Discriminating Gamer
Suzanne Sheldon Dice Guy
Suzanne Sheldon
Jared Whitley
Barry Doublet

Video series

Board Game Breakfast

Board Game Breakfast is a variety show, broadcasted live every Monday and Thursday mornings at 9am EST.