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Board Game Breakfast LIVE - April 22

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It's that time again, friends! Pour yourself a cup of gaming news, discussions, silliness - and welcome to the table!

Intro: 00:00
Love 2 Hate: 05:36
Retro Board Game Corner: 07:33
News: 09:54
Oliver East: 29:20
Grant's Game Recs: 31:23
Showdown: 33:32
Smashin Buttons, Slammin Cards: 49:37
From the Page to the Table: 51:38
A Fellowship of Meeples: 53:43
Closing Ceremonies: 55:40
Outro: 56:41

Contest details: Game Toppers is giving away Two prizes: one Viking Sculpted Watson Game Topper package valued at $2,200 and 1 J.J. Burkton mat rack and choice of 4 Game Topper premium mats valued at $600. Game Toppers are a portable gaming top that transforms your existing table into a high quality board game solution with Premium 3 mm stitched edge thematic game mats, Cupholders and accessories, …and now they have leg kits and dining cover option for several of their models for the full table experience. See link below for more details and contest rules.

Link to enter giveaway:

Game Toppers' KS link:

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Board Game Breakfast

Board Game Breakfast is a variety show, broadcasted live every Monday and Thursday mornings at 9am EST.