Dice Tower 611 "E" is for "Eggcellent"
In this show, Geoff shows up and we answer a pile of questions, including if we've ever cheated! We review Cupcake Empire, Century 3, Tour Operator, Honga, Concordia Venus, and the Bravest Warriors Co-Operative Dice Game. Finally, we talk about our favorite games that start with the letter "E".
Join us for the Dice Tower Retreat: http://www.dicetower.com/dicetower-landing/dice-tower-retreat/
Check out the friendliest conventions on Earth!
Dice Tower Con! - www.dicetowercon.com (July 3-7, 2019)
Dice Tower West! - www.dicetowerwest.com (Feb 26 - Mar 1, 2020)
Dice Tower Cruise! - www.dicetowercruise.com
Buy great games at http://www.coolstuffinc.com
Find more reviews and videos at http://www.dicetower.com
Get a great game table here! https://www.rathskellers.com/
BGG Link: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgamedesigner/37589/tom-vasel