Dice Tower 625 - Cart Campers
In this episode Suzanne and Mandi discuss Skulk Hollow, Ragusa, Empires of the North, Deadly Doodles, Ecos and Hats. They also cover a couple of One and Done games and wrap up with a Victory Points segment all about "cart campers" (the games that live in your shopping cart but never make it to purchase.)
Check out the friendliest conventions on Earth!
Dice Tower East! - www.dicetowereast.com (July 1-5, 2020)
Dice Tower West! - www.dicetowerwest.com (Feb 26 - Mar 1, 2020)
Dice Tower Cruise! - www.dicetowercruise.com (January 24-29, 2020)
Dice Tower Retreat! - www.dicetowerretreat.com
Buy great games at http://www.coolstuffinc.com
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BGG Link: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgamedesigner/37589/tom-vasel