Dice Tower Tonight - May 1, 2019
Join Eric and Crystal for another live episode of Dice Tower Tonight! We'll be chatting about some games we've played recently, the differences between video games and board games, and the live chat will be competing against Eric in a game show-style game!
Join us for the Dice Tower Retreat: http://www.dicetower.com/dicetower-landing/dice-tower-retreat/
Check out the friendliest conventions on Earth!
Dice Tower Con! - www.dicetowercon.com (July 3-7, 2019)
Dice Tower West! - www.dicetowerwest.com (Feb 26 - Mar 1, 2020)
Dice Tower Cruise! - www.dicetowercruise.com
Buy great games at http://www.coolstuffinc.com
Find more reviews and videos at http://www.dicetower.com
BGG Link: https://www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgamedesigner/37589/tom-vasel