Font Karuta

Font Karuta
Font Karuta is a real-time competitive game themed on font types.
Spread out the cards with the same set of letters in different fonts on the table.
After a font name is announced with a clue, players race to find and take the matching card.
At the end of the game whoever has the most wins.
In addition to the players, a "Reader" is required to read out the question card.
The players compete in real time without turns.
The players race to find and take the card that matches the announced font.
The answer is not stated clearly on the front of each card. In order to win, you need to guess the answer from clues as well as to memorize the information that is gradually revealed.
Karuta is a traditional Japanese card game in which players listen to short descriptions written on a reader’s card. Each turn, the players compete with one another at being the first to pick up the player’s card with the corresponding picture or writing, and whoever wins the most cards wins the game. Font Karuta is a version of this traditional card game for people who are obsessed with recognizing the differences between typefaces. The reader reads the font name and description written on the reader’s card, and then the players pick up the player’s card bearing that font. The player who picks up the most cards is the winner.
—description from the publisher
Font Karuta is a real-time competitive game themed on font types.
Spread out the cards with the same set of letters in different fonts on the table.
After a font name is announced with a clue, players race to find and take the matching card.
At the end of the game whoever has the most wins.
In addition to the players, a "Reader" is required to read out the question card.
The players compete in real time without turns.
The players race to find and take the card that matches the announced font.
The answer is not stated clearly on the front of each card. In order to win, you need to guess the answer from clues as well as to memorize the information that is gradually revealed.
Karuta is a traditional Japanese card game in which players listen to short descriptions written on a reader’s card. Each turn, the players compete with one another at being the first to pick up the player’s card with the corresponding picture or writing, and whoever wins the most cards wins the game. Font Karuta is a version of this traditional card game for people who are obsessed with recognizing the differences between typefaces. The reader reads the font name and description written on the reader’s card, and then the players pick up the player’s card bearing that font. The player who picks up the most cards is the winner.
—description from the publisher
Player Count
Playing Time
Year Released