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At The Table with The Dice Tower - That Shouldn't Be There!

Tom Vasel
Tom Vasel
Eric Summerer
Eric Summerer
Julie Ahern

Tom and Julie talk Eric out of getting the Doctor Who Magic the Gathering set, which leads to a discussion of out-of-universe items showing up in games. We prepare for some family gaming over the holidays, share a new Tale of Boardgaming Horror, and run through some Roses, Thorns, and Hula Hoops.

05:21 - Doctor Who Magic and other Gaming Anachronisms

25:18 - Gaming at Family Gatherings Without Scaring the Mother-in-Law

37:47 - Tale of Boardgaming Horror

41:12 - Dice Cards

43:50 - Age of Comics: The Golden Years

46:26 - Five Towers

50:42 - Beer and Bread

53:47 - Mystery Detective

57:47 - Without Fail