Julie Ahern

This time, we're talking sports, and how game designers can best emulate them.

This time, Eric gives an update on his Middle School Game Night before the gang l

Tom complains about the cold before we all discuss forms of Table Talk.

On board the Dice Tower Cruise 2025, Tom, Julie, and Eric run through their holid

Julie and Eric spend some time recapping PAX Unplugged before all of us take a lo

This time, Eric is looking for advice from Julie and Tom about running a game nig

Tom, Julie, and Eric share some Thanksgiving recipies before launching into a dis

Tom, Julie, and Eric discuss some Thanksgiving plans before reacting to some rece

This time, Tom looks forward to the CMON Expo, while Eric and Julie talk about th

Tom and Julie are back from Germany with stories to tell.

It's our Essen Preview show for 2024!

This time, Tom, Julie, and Eric tackle the world of print boardgame journalism by

Tom and Eric learn that they've known Julie longer than they remember.

Tom, Julie, and Eric remember their various Gen Con adventures, as well as lookin

Tom, Julie, and Eric start looking forward to their next convention adventures no

Tom, Julie, and Eric look back at Dice Tower East, and look forward to Gen Con, i

Tom, Julie, and Eric discuss the results of the Origins Awards, and share the nom

Tom and Eric congratulate Julie on her successful move, which leads to a discussi

This time, Tom recounts his trip to BGG Spring, and Eric reviews the Dungeons and

Tom, Julie and Eric run through some of their plans for Dice Tower East and Gen C