TDT # 249 - Games Palapalooza

In this episode, Tom and Eric answer quite a few of your questions, including faults in games they love. We also review a whole pile of games, including Wiz War, Rex, Pirates of Nassau, Rocket Jockey, King of Tokyo, and more!
Games Featured in this Episode
Designer: Richard Glazer
Publisher: Gung Ho Games
Designer: Tom Jolly
Publisher: (Web published)
Designer: Richard Garfield
Publisher: IELLO
Designer: Mary Claire Chorba
Publisher: Mag-Nif, Inc.
Designer: Martin Wallace
Publisher: W. Nostheide Verlag GmbH
Designer: Rick Sugarman
Publisher: Sugarman Games, LLC
Designer: Friedemann Friese
Publisher: 2F-Spiele
Designer: Christopher Guild
Publisher: NECA
Designer: Wolfgang Kramer
Publisher: Hans im Glück
Designer: James Spurny
Publisher: Mayfair Games
Designer: Matt Hyra
Publisher: Cryptozoic Entertainment