TDT # 58: What makes a Great Game?

Because I love my wife, here's another episode of the Dice Tower!
In this episode, I continue the contest for Darter, as well as listen to the latest news from Rick and Moritz. Yehuda Berlinger joins me for a top ten list of things we look for in a great game, and we have a preview of the World Boardgaming Championship by Jason White. My wife, Mr. Whiney, and that Blighty guy also all join us. We have the show available in .mp3 format, which you can download below by right clicking the link below, and selecting "save link as".
Games Featured in this Episode
Designer: Andreas Seyfarth
Publisher: Hans im Glück
Designer: (Uncredited)
Publisher: (Public Domain)
Designer: Dove Byrne
Publisher: Future Magic Games