TDT # 80: Contest Winners Announced, And Top Ten Games from 2006

In this episode, we announce the winners to our greatest board game contest ever! We also talk about a recent gaming session of Marvel Heroes and more games, and Sam continues his two-player marathon with Spy. Moritz talks about Tara: Seat of Kings, and Mary gives us the news and reviews Gheos. A listener session report, feedback and our comments, and the Top Ten Games from 2006 round out the segment.
Games Featured in this Episode
Designer: Roberto Di Meglio
Publisher: Fantasy Flight Games
Designer: Alan Paull
Publisher: Surprised Stare Games Ltd
Designer: René Wiersma
Publisher: Z-Man Games
Designer: Charlie Catino
Publisher: Avalon Hill Games, Inc.
Designer: Reiner Knizia
Publisher: Kanga Games
Designer: Bruno Cathala
Publisher: Days of Wonder
Designer: Reiner Knizia
Publisher: 999 Games
Designer: Andrea Angiolino
Publisher: Nexus Editrice