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"Asking for Trobils: Companions & Trobil Makers" - DT Preview with Mark Streed

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Mark takes a look at "Asking for Trobils: Companions & Trobil Makers".

Companions is an expansion to "Asking for Trobils". Space is lonely, but when the lost colony ship, the Friend, appeared on the outskirts of the star system, everyone was thrilled to hear about it. Even more exciting, the Friend Ship contains a new resource, Shards, that provides another way to capture Trobils! The residents of this ship are eager to explore the galaxy with you. If you let them tag along, despite their silly quirks, they'll give you these Shards to help rid the galaxy of Trobils. Companion cards are randomly paired with a Shard card and placed in a new player board that includes a Dial. The Dial helps show players where to place Shards and points to the active Quirk of the Companion. These pairs of cards are obtained by visiting the Friend Ship location. Shards are valuable, so players will strategize how to best navigate the Quirks of their Companion in order to gain as many Shards as they can without interrupting the efficiency of their Trobil hunting.

Trobil Makers is an expansion to Asking for Trobils. The small Sagan Colony, full of the galaxy's most ridiculously intelligent people, has taken it upon themselves to get rid of all the Trobils in Paradise by creating robot Trobil-eaters! Of course, their programming went a little awry (as programming tends to do in these situations) and are now just as much trouble as real Trobils! As if your job as a Trobil Hunter wasn't difficult enough, now you also have to get rid of these mechanical monstrosities! Trobil Makers adds a new Location to the board called the Sagan Colony. The expansion also adds new Trobil cards, purple Shard resources, Trobot tokens, and a small board. The eighth Ship that was promised with an extra punchboard int he original game will also be provided.

0:00 Overview
1:32 Companions
4:24 Trobil Makers
7:01 In summary



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Mark Streed

Video series