Board Game Breakfast: Episode 78 - Your First Convention
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Tom Vasel takes a look at the news for the week, joined by a host of friends.
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Show Notes:
0:20 - Intro
1:33 - Board Game News
3:40 - Kickstarter News with Board Game Brawl
7:08 - Q&A with Tom and Jason
10:36 - Component Moment
12:01 - Dice Dice Baby
14:00 - Whitleypedia
16:10 - Dice Tower Productions
17:27 - Head in the Clouds with Chaz Marler
20:31 - Top 100 Game Expansions # 35 - # 30
24:22 - The Board Game Baker
26:21 - The Discriminating Gamer
28:11 - Tom Thinks: Your First Convention
32:46 - Snakes and Lattes
35:03 - Closing Thoughts.
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