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Essen Spiel 2015 Games Preview - Part 4/5

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Tom Vasel, Sam Healey, and Zee Garcia take a look at 100 games being released at the Essen Game Fair. Here's twenty more!

1:23 - Perfect Alibi
2:29 - Dixit: Memories
4:02 - Hengist
5:07 - Colt Express: Horses & Stagecoach
7:31 - Watson & Holmes
8:44 - Mafia de Cuba
9:32 - Kemet:Ta-Seti
10:55 - Raptor
13:00 - Hack Trick
14:36 - Trickerion: Legends of Illusion
15:55 - TimeBomb
16:52 - Joraku
18:32 - Thunderbirds
20:05 - Posthuman
22:54 - Simurgh
24:20 - They Come Unseen
25:12 The Bloody Inn
26:36 - Apollo XIII
27:21 - Tail Feathers
28:26 - RevoltAAA

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Tom Vasel
Tom Vasel
Sam Healey Dice Guy
Sam Healey
Zee Garcia Avatar
Zee Garcia