"The Original Sherlock Holmes and His Baker Street Irregulars" - DT Preview with Mark Streed
This is a Dice Tower Paid Preview.
Mark takes a look at "The Original Sherlock Holmes and His Baker Street Irregulars".
In The Original Sherlock Holmes and His Baker Street Irregulars each player will utilize their crew of irregulars (BSI's) to visit Locations, gather Witnesses, and Inspect artifacts in an attempt to make the key arrests to secure your place as a legitimate rival to the master detective, Sherlock Holmes. The game features over 100+ pieces of art, many inspired by the original artwork of Sidney Paget.
Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/846261475/the-original-sherlock-holmes-and-his-baker-street-irregulars
BGG: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/310196/original-sherlock-holmes-and-his-baker-street-irre
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