Terraternity: The Energy Challenge - DT Preview with Mark Streed
This is a Dice Tower Paid Preview.
Mark takes a look at "Meridian: Empire In Space".
Terraternity is a sustainable thematic game. You're invited to save Terra in combating climate change in a coop or competitive mode. Play the world countries, build renewable power plants to reduce fossil-based CO2. Carbon neutralizes countries before 5 climate disasters or 10 years ends the game. A game plays around 90-120 minutes. Are you ready to save Terra?
0:33 Overview
2:01 Characters
4:08 Game play
7:43 Countries
10:13 Actions
12:51 In summary
Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/iganmich/terraternity
BGG: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/325891/terraternity-energy-challenge
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