TDT # 324 - Combat Systems

In this show, Geoff tells us what "ludology" means, we talk about gaming burnout, and start a new contest! Giles goes nuts, Barry blunders, and Bryan goes to the old West. We also take a look at Francis Drake, Triassic Terror, Railways Express, Pathfinder card game, Titanium Wars, and Voluspa. Finally, we end the show with our favorite combat systems.
Games Featured in this Episode
Designer: Sean Brown
Publisher: Eagle-Gryphon Games
Designer: Mike Selinker
Publisher: Paizo Publishing
Designer: Peter Hawes
Publisher: Kayal Games
Designer: Frédéric Guérard
Publisher: Euphoria Games
Designer: Peter Hawes
Publisher: Eagle-Gryphon Games
Designer: Scott Caputo
Publisher: Stronghold Games
Designer: Richard Borg
Publisher: alea