TDT # 394 - All about Catan

In this show, we talk about Five Tribes, Xia, Krosmaster Junior, Mystery Rummy # 5 - Escape from Alcatraz, X-com, and Pressure Cooker. We are joined by a host of contributors offering strategy, Christmas gaming, old games, and how to build a game group. We have a tale of amazement and one of horror, and bring back gaming stererotypes! Finally, we end the show with our favorite ways to play Catan.
Games Featured in this Episode
Designer: Mike Fitzgerald
Publisher: (Web published)
Designer: Bruno Cathala
Publisher: Days of Wonder
Designer: Eric M. Lang
Publisher: Fantasy Flight Games
Designer: Cody Miller
Publisher: Far Off Games
Designer: Kane Klenko
Publisher: Rio Grande Games
Publisher: Abysse Corp.
Designer: (Uncredited)
Publisher: Hasbro
Designer: (Uncredited)
Publisher: Borras Plana S.A.
Designer: Urs Hostettler
Publisher: Fata Morgana Spiele
Designer: Stefan Dorra
Publisher: 2 Pionki
Designer: Klaus Teuber
Publisher: KOSMOS