TDT # 633 - J is for Jammin'

TDT # 633 - J is for Jammin'
In this show, we discuss Yukon Airways, Marco Polo 2, Mint Condition, It's a Wonderful World, Conspiracy: Abyss Universe, and Sarah's Vision. We also answer questions where we are put under a curse, giving kids game pieces, and more! Finally, we end the show with our top ten games that start with "J"!
Games Featured in this Episode
Designer: Al Leduc
Publisher: Ludonova
Designer: Simone Luciani
Publisher: Hans im Glück
Designer: Sabrina von Contzen
Publisher: Dachshund Games
Designer: Frédéric Guérard
Publisher: La Boîte de Jeu
Designer: Bruno Cathala
Publisher: Bombyx
Designer: Anthony Howgego
Publisher: Baloise Group