TDT # 75: Block War Games and Derk Solko

With one episode to go, another episode of the Dice Tower!
In this episode, Rick talks about his experiences at BGG.con, and Moritz hails us with more German lessons. Sam and I have a session report of Perikles, and discuss why it seems that I never win any games. I have a talk with Derk Solko about the makings of BGG.con, and Jason White gives us his top ten block war games. We continue our contest for Cluzzle and Wits and Wagers - only one week to go! We have the show available in .mp3 format, which you can download below by right clicking the link below, and selecting "save link as".
Games Featured in this Episode
Designer: Leo Colovini
Publisher: Mayfair Games
Designer: Martin Wallace
Publisher: Warfrog Games
Designer: Dominic Crapuchettes
Publisher: Competo / Marektoy
Designer: Dominic Crapuchettes
Publisher: North Star Games
Designer: Tom Dalgliesh
Publisher: The Avalon Hill Game Co
Designer: Tom Dalgliesh
Publisher: Columbia Games
Designer: Dennis Bishop
Publisher: Worthington Games
Designer: Craig Besinque
Publisher: Columbia Games
Designer: Tom Dalgliesh
Publisher: Columbia Games
Designer: Tom Dalgliesh
Publisher: Columbia Games
Designer: Tom Dalgliesh
Publisher: Banana Games
Designer: Craig Besinque
Publisher: Columbia Games
Designer: Jesse Evans
Publisher: GMT Games
Designer: Tom Dalgliesh
Publisher: Columbia Games
Designer: Tobias Stapelfeldt
Publisher: eggertspiele