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The Dice Tower

All Episodes for this Podcast

TDT - Episode # 32 - Best Game Designers

TDT - Episode # 32 - Best Game Designers

TDT # 2012A - Dice Tower Awards 2012!

In this episode, we announce the Dice Tower Awards for 2012 - awarding the best games that came out in the year 2011. Find the complete set of winners and nominees at

TDT - Episode # 2012A - Dice Tower Awards 2012!

TDT - Episode # 2012A - Dice Tower Awards 2012!

TDT - Episode # 264 - Top Game Designers

TDT # 264 - Top Game Designers

In this episode, Tom gives a quick recap of Dice Tower Convention 2012, and we also talk about recently played games, including Shadowrift.  We answer listener questions, and end the show talking about our top ten favorite board game designers.

TDT - Episode # 264 - Top Game Designers

TDT - Episode # 263 - Multiple Gaming Tables

TDT # 263 - Multiple Gaming Tables

In this show, we add two new contributors, one who takes a look at Clout: Fantasy.  We also talk about several new games including Pret a Porter and Behutunsburg.  Greg visits another store, and Mark reviews Rodeo Rummy.  Finally, we end the show with a question of what to do with multiple games going on at the same time in a gaming group.

TDT - Episode # 263 - Multiple Gaming Tables

TDT - Episode # 262 - Lunchtimes games

TDT - Episode # 262 - Lunchtimes games

TDT # 262 - Lunchtimes games

In this episode, we take a look at our top ten "lunchtime" games, games that can be played and set up during a lunch break at work.  We also talk about some recently played games, answer some questions, and then have a few guests show up with a surprise announcement!

TDT - Episode 261 - Looking ahead in a game

TDT - Episode 261 - Looking ahead in a game

TDT # 261 - Looking ahead in a game

In this episode, Geoff talks about giant numbers, and Greg descends into Madness.  Mary talks about house rules, and Tom reviews Descent 2.0.  We stereotype gamers yet again, and then talk about how many moves ahead in a game we plan for.

TDT - Episode 260 - Best Trading in the Mediterranean Games

TDT - Episode 260 - Best Trading in the Mediterranean Games

TDT # 260 - Best Trading in the Mediterranean Games

There seems to be some sort of invasion on this show, coming from Origins.  But once we ignore all that, you'll see that we answer quite a few questions, and then Tom and Eric take a look at the Top Ten "Trading in the Mediterranean" Games.  Or something.