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The Dice Tower

All Episodes for this Podcast

TDT # 182: What game do you most regret buying?

In this episode, we hear about D-Day Dice and go back in time to look at Thurn and Taxis. We answer the question "What game do you most regret buying?", and Trevor talks about family games. Ryan gives us some good values we get from gaming, and Geoff discusses entanglement. We also compare and contrast Heroes of Graxia and Thunderstone.

TDT # 181: Top 10 Games From Designer Collaborations

In this episode, Dexter and the Chief talk about Kingsburg and Tom and Eric review Samarkand from Queen Games. We answer a ton of listener questions, and end the show with our top ten games from designer collaborations.

Episode #181: Top 10 Games From Designer Collaborations

Episode #181: Top 10 Games From Designer Collaborations

TDT # 180: Movies into Board Games

In this episode, we start a new contest, talk about what movies should be made into games, and mention several recently played games - such as Lords of Vegas. Moritz talks about Hexagames, Geoff covers regret, and Ryan aspires to the road not taken. We also do a review of Railways of the World: the card game.

Episode #180: Movies into Board Games

Episode #180: Movies into Board Games

TDT # 179: Dice Tower Awards: 2009

In this episode, we announce our Dice Tower Awards for the best boardgames of 2009. We discuss the best expansion, best artwork, best production, best new designer, best game from a small publisher, most innovative game, best party game, best war game, and finally - the best game of the year.

Episode #179: Dice Tower Awards: 2009

Episode #179: Dice Tower Awards: 2009

TDT # 23: Top Games from 2002

In this episode, originally posted November 2, 2005, Joe Steadman and Tom Vasel talk about our contest for Memoir '44 and expansions, and have an audio blog about the Essen fair from a guest reporter. We review Runebound and Combat Soldiers: Battle of the Bulge, and answer a few user and random questions. We mention our websites of the month, and talk about recently played games. Finally, we top the episode off with our top ten board games from 2002.

Episode #23: Top Games from 2002

Episode #23: Top Games from 2002

TDT # 178: Top Hot Games from GenCon 2010

In this episode we spend a bit of time talking about Gen Con 2010, and some of the strengths and weaknesses of the convention. Geoff talks about one of the most famous math problems and how it relates to games, and Dexxter and the Chief recount a recently played game. Finally, Tom talks about his top "hot" games from GenCon 2010.

Episode #178: Top Hot Games from GenCon 2010

Episode #178: Top Hot Games from GenCon 2010

TDT # 177: Top 10 lifetime gaming experiences

In this show, we talk about several games - Campaign Manager 2008, Mad Zeppelin, Triplica, and Telestrations. We also talk about our top ten game experiences from our lifetimes.

Episode #177: Top 10 lifetime gaming experiences

Episode #177: Top 10 lifetime gaming experiences

TDT # 176: New Format

Starting with this episode, the Dice Tower moves to a weekly format! Tom and Eric talk about several new games - including Dominon: Alchemy, Hagoth: Builder of Ships, and Asteroyds. We talk about news, preview some expansions, and review Armorica.