TDT # 239 - Best of 2011, part 1

In this episode, we are joined by a ton of contributors as we take a look back over the year of 2011. In this first half, we talk about the best card, war, and party game. We discuss our most surprising game, as well as the most dissappointing. We talk about he best components and artwork, as well as the worst games of the year. And we talk about the year as a whole, including the top ten news stories of 2011.
Games Featured in this Episode
Designer: Scott Almes
Publisher: Tasty Minstrel Games
Designer: Tim Bugher
Publisher: VicTim Games, LLC
Designer: Alex Bykov
Publisher: Bandai
Designer: Richard H. Berg
Publisher: Toy Vault, Inc.
Designer: Fréderic Moyersoen
Publisher: Alderac Entertainment Group
Designer: Chad Jensen
Publisher: GMT Games
Designer: Rob Daviau
Publisher: Hasbro
Designer: Corey Konieczka
Publisher: Fantasy Flight Games
Designer: Martin Wallace
Publisher: Treefrog Games
Designer: Dominique Ehrhard
Publisher: GameWorks SàRL
Designer: Dan Verssen
Publisher: Dan Verssen Games (DVG)
Designer: Seth Jaffee
Publisher: Tasty Minstrel Games
Designer: Colby Dauch
Publisher: Plaid Hat Games
Designer: Brian Weinstock
Publisher: North Star Games
Designer: James M. Ward
Publisher: Tartan Grizzly Productions
Designer: Matthew Nuccio
Publisher: Out of the Box Publishing
Designer: Martin Wallace
Publisher: Treefrog Games
Designer: Nicolas Assenbrunner
Publisher: LEGO