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TDT # 73: Interview with NorthStar Games

Tom Vasel
Tom Vasel
Sam Healey Dice Guy
Sam Healey
Moritz Eggert
Jason White

With three episode to go, another episode of the Dice Tower!

Moritz comes back in this show with some game reviews, and Tom also gives a review of Quest for the Dragonlords. Speaking of that, we finish up our contest for Quest for the Dragonlords, and start a new contest for Cluzzle and Wits and Wagers. Jason politely explains once again why I'm wrong, and Sam and I come up with our combined list of top ten games from 2005. I interview Satish and Dominic from Northstar Games, and we answer a question, and even explain what a meeple is. We have the show available in .mp3 format, which you can download below by right clicking the link below, and selecting "save link as".