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Crowdsurfing - October 21, 2020

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It's time to take a look at some Kickstarter projects!

To enter the Darkest Dungeon contest, sponsored by Mythic Games, send an email to [email protected]. In the subject type Darkest. In the body, include your name, shipping address and answer the question, How many non-stretch goal heroes are there in the core box?

Find answer here.

Join our continued Essen Spiel liveplay at 2:30PM EDT

0:00 Intro
2:54 Gemji The Multigame System for Designers & Creatives
5:40 Mother of Frankenstein
8:41 Galactic Era
11:30 Takkure, a cyberpunk rubgy game
13:19 Windward (Expansion & Big Box)
16:23 Gunshi: the Art of Strategy
17:32 Crash Octopus
20:11 Fantastic Factories: Manufactions
22:20 Mark Streed - Darkest Dungeon
23:26 Robert Geislinger/Jeremy Howard FOMO - Lost Ones
28:26 Lost in Jurassica
30:02 TorKings: The World's Greatest Strategic Alignment Game
33:41 Frostpunk
35:44 JailBird
37:02 Varia, the First Person Card Game
39:38 Board Gamer-isms Enamel Pin Set
41:29 Mark Streed (Gem Hunt, Veiled Fate, RaceKart Riot, Treasure Hogs, Freedom Five)
50:53 Silly Shapes
52:49 Farting Frenchies
55:00 Dungeon Drop: Dropped Too Deep
57:02 Project L: Finesse
59:10 Twisted Fables
1:01:45 Wildlife the Card Game
1:02:55 Fray - Champions of the Every-Verse
1:04:39 High Rise: The UltraPlastic Edition

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