"Merchants of the Dark Road" - a DT Preview with Mark Streed
This is a Dice Tower Paid Preview.
Mark takes a look at "Merchants of the Dark Road".
After half a year of daylight, we must now prepare for the dark season. The roads will be treacherous but they will still need to be braved by a select few in order to keep our cities thriving. In Merchants of the Dark Road, you are one of these brave few merchants that travel the dangerous paths between cities. While the job is perilous, fame and fortune await.
Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/brentdickman/merchants-of-the-dark-road?ref=ao0vhi&utm_source=dtpreview
BGG: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/300217/merchants-dark-road
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