The Dice Tower
All Episodes for this Podcast
TDT # 74: Auction Games and Battlelore
With reports from Rick, Moritz, and Jason, there is a lot of information in this slightly longer episode. Sam gives his top ten auction games, and I talk about different auction styles.
TDT # 73: Interview with NorthStar Games
Moritz comes back in this show with some game reviews, and Tom also gives a review of Quest for the Dragonlords. Speaking of that, we finish up our contest for Quest for the Dragonlords, and start a new contest for Cluzzle and Wits and Wagers.
TDT # 72: Top Ten Games from Essen 2006
Not so much regular news this week, but we continue our contest for Quest for the Dragonlords. I review Take Stock, and we discuss our Hot Games of the Month. We answer some questions, but the main part of our show is a special report from Rick Thornquist and Moritz Eggert
TDT # 71: Interview with Bud Sauer
Sam comes back, and we talk about some of our recently played games. We listen to some gaming political rhetoric, and continue our contest for Quest of the Dragonlords. Moritz reviews a horrible game, Mike reviews a good one, and Doug discusses Essen.
TDT # 70: Interview with Zev Shlasinger
The show has a slight change in format, and Sam once again can't make it to recording. We finish up our contest for Gifttrap and Twilight Imperium III, and start a new contest for Quest of the Dragonlords.
TDT # 69: Interview with Christian Petersen
Because of the Korean holiday, we weren't able to get our normal show recorded. But there's still great stuff! In this episode we have the news from Rick and Moritz, and I review Gifttrap. Most of the show, however, is an interview with Christian Petersen, head of Fantasy Flight Games.